Wednesday, August 29, 2007

We thought that using some new technology we recently acquired would give you a more enhanced view of our experience. This is our first try at it, so please be gracious! The video clip is me coming into Las Vegas after my drive from St. Louis. Before then, this is what happened. Annette, our four kids, and Angie Glassmeyer got onto an airplane in St. Louis last Friday. It was a little stressful getting them on the airplane, and then Annette's worst fear (and mine) was imagined. After getting settled onto the airplane, a terrible storm swept across St. Louis. The plane lost power and sat on the runway for an hour and a half (with everybody still on board)! Not a good way to start a potentially stressful trip. By God's grace, they reached Las Vegas and settled into the condo where we are staying until Sept. 3rd (and hopefully longer depending on negotiations that are taking place). The condo provides us with a place to stay that is rent/utility free and is a tremendous provision from the Lord. Getting back to the road trip, while the family was flying, I loaded up our van (in the midst of that terrible storm). First the wind storm came that blew around dirt like a really bad sandstorm. Then the rain came a tumbling down! It was like somebody didn't want us leaving to go to Las Vegas (Hmmmm). Thankfully, with the help of two friends, the van was loaded up before it got too bad. Then I jumped in the van and began the official "Trip to Las Vegas Tour 2007". I video taped my trip at various places across the country. I left Friday afternoon (around 3:30 pm) and arrived safely in Las Vegas Saturday evening (around 11:00 pm). If you want to see a video of my road trip, I could send you a CD in the mail. It is sort of funny, in a quirky type of way. It was so good to reunite with the family and begin to get settled into our temporary home. We enrolled Micah in a Christian School and he began classes yesterday. So here we are, finally in Las Vegas, excited to be here, a little tired, and thankful to the Lord for a relatively smooth transition. Before we left last Friday, we were notified that we received approximately $40,000 in pledges for the week. This was really encouraging to hear as we were leaving St. Louis (home for the past three years) and going to make a new home in the Southwest. Please continue to pray for our transition, fundraising, sale of my parents home (they had two lookers in the past week) and their health, that we could stay in the condo for the next couple of months, Micah would feel adjusted to his new school, productive study for ordination exams, and provision for our living expenses during the month of September. Please especially pray for Caleb's eye (his tear duct appears to be clogged). Thank you so much for praying and caring for us! Let us know what you think of the video as well! I was filming this at about 80 mph, so the next one will be a lot better! Stay tuned!!

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