Sunday, May 27, 2007


Jesus Has Carried us Through!

As I was studying for my last final exam at Covenant Seminary, this short phrase came to mind, “Jesus has carried us through!” I stopped studying to reflect over the past three years of our journey. We left everything secure in our lives three short years ago to come and prepare ourselves for full time vocational ministry. The time and work has been rigorous and demanding. We often wondered how we would make it through as our faith was stretched in multiple ways. The intellectual, emotional, physical, and spiritual struggles have been many. Yet all along the way, Jesus has carried us through!
When I failed my first five Greek quizzes, Jesus carried me through. When we needed to make ends meet financially, Jesus carried us through. When I was preaching my first morning sermon and Micah was in the emergency room getting an appendectomy, Jesus carried us through. When the Lord revealed to me my emotional pain, Jesus carried me through. When Annette wondered how she could handle our third child, Jesus carried her through. We have nothing to really boast about in regards to what we have done. The diploma that we received really testifies that Jesus carried us through. The Apostle Paul testifies of this in I Cor. 1:30-31, “It is because of him (Jesus) that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God– that is, our righteousness, holiness, and redemption. Therefore, as it is written: ‘Let him who boasts boast in the Lord.’ So that is what we do brothers and sisters. We boast that Jesus has carried us through. This chapter of our lives is ending and we are trusting King Jesus to carry us through into the next chapter. Thankfully, he has revealed to us what that next chapter is! We are so excited to announce that we are in the process of being called to Las Vegas to participate on a church planting team as an assistant pastor.

Mission Las Vegas and Your Partnership!

We have two immediate needs for you to pray about and consider. We are expecting our fourth child in August and will not be moving to Vegas until early September. We will be living in St. Louis until then. I will be studying for licensure and ordination exams as well as traveling to Maryland, Tennessee, and Florida in June to meet with churches and individuals to share the story of how the Lord called us to Las Vegas and to seek your continued partnership in this Kingdom work. Our first need is financial support during this transition summer period to Las Vegas, and the second is your consideration to support us in the Vegas church planting work. I hope to contact many of you to arrange times in June to meet, but if you would like to contact me that would be very encouraging. The Lord is doing great things in Vegas and I cannot wait to tell you all about it in the upcoming months. Please plan to get excited about the gospel!

Tentative Summer Schedule
June 7-11th Cornerstone Presbyterian Church, California, MD.
June 12-13th General Assembly, Memphis, TN.
June 14-18th Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Cape Coral, FL.
June 19-20 Cornerstone Presbyterian Church, California, MD.
June 21-26 Providence Presbyterian Church, York, PA.
June 27-July 2 Pittsburgh, PA.

Transition Summer Support Needs
Living Expenses: $5000
Moving Expenses: $2000
Total Expenses: $7000

Transition Summer Support
Please make checks payable to Cornerstone Presbyterian Church and write Phillips Seminary Scholarship Fund in the memo line. Please send the check to the church: P.O. Box 783, California, MD. 20619.

Contact Information
314-719-7736 Cell Phone